Join Fr Arthur Bautista, September 4-15, 2023 on a 12-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Jordan. Departs from Chicago.
Click the following link to view brochure, then right click to print:
Sites/Cities to be visited (Israel):
- Bethlehem: sites associated with the birth of Jesus.
- Caesarea Maritime: where Paul was imprisoned and tried.
- Cana: location of the first miracle.
- Capernaum: where Jesus did a lot of his teaching.
- Dead Sea: lowest spot on Earth
- Jericho: world’s oldest city
- Jerusalem: sites associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus.
- Nazareth: Where Jesus grew up.
- and more.
Sites/Cities to be visited (Jordan):
- Petra: natural gorge, treasury, palace, etc.
- Madaba: mosaic map of Jordan, Jerusalem, Egypt.
Petra Chapel in Shepherd’s Field Mount of Beatitudes View of Jerusalem Boat on Sea of Galilee Church of All Nations The birthplace of Jesus Ruins at Bet Shean